Monday 10 May 2010

Birth of a blog: A memoir

Once upon a time, in a far away land (London), a silhouette of a woman (me!) could be seen from a window in a castle (aka my house). She was crying. A handsome prince (he was totally gay...maybe I should of called him a queen :P) saw the sobbing woman and felt compelled to see what could make a woman so sorrowful. He entered the castle and ran up the stairs to the girls chambers. He opened the door slowly and saw the fair maiden (in my story fair means a NC42 :D) at her vanity. Her crying had muted but she was leaning over something. He moved closer towards her, but she took no notice of him. Then he saw what was in the palm of her hands. A broken Mac brush. He could here her mutttering 'It's ok, I'll get you fixed right up good as new'. It was then he realised he had stumbled upon an elusive creature...

Ok you caught me! That story was totally made up but in my defence I did break a Mac brush last week and more than certain I probably reacted in the same way, though I can't be sure as I've repressed the memory (RIP 217, you will be truly missed).

So here is the real skinny fellow blogettes, I like the rest of you have penchant for all thing beauty related, be it make up, hairstyles or fashion. So I decided that I would throw my two cents into this blogging world as I have far to many opinions on these things and not enough people I can burden my thoughts upon. I don't really know much else about what I want to do except talk beauty and fashion...which is kind of all I need to do so yay!

One thing I have done is map out the fundamentals for my blog so here goes:

  1. Takeout Tips: Tips and tricks for all you lovely sugarplums reading! From make up application to groovy hairstyle, if I think its a handy dandy tip you lovelies will be the first to know!
  2. Takeout Treasures: My thoughts on a bunch of random stuff I've bought or spiffy websites I've found that are a must to check out.
  3. Takeout Timeout: Now as much as it pains me to say this, make up isn't everything (though I wish it was)! So once a month I want to try and talk about something completely unrelated to beauty/fashion, whether it's to do with a charity or something in the news: I mean how do I intend on being the first well dressed, well manicured Prime Minister if I don't talk about these things :P

But I pinky promise, when I'm not talking about current affairs and how I wish Gordon Brown was my baby daddy (no one shoot me I'm kidding...or am I?) it's all about the make up baby!

Well I guess that's it for a first blog :D phew... I managed to do it without getting distracted by something sparkly and glitterly...go Team Mandy!

Until next time blogettes, just remember:

Not all takeouts are laden with calories, but this one is definetely covered in sparkles, rainbows and unicorns xoxo